- Jue, 21 Jun 2007, 12:26
si los hay. y yo he encontrado una revisión de los mismos: copio y traduzco
Probiotics for prevention of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis: a review.Falagas ME, Betsi GI, Athanasiou S.
Alfa Institute of Biomedical Sciences (AIBS) Athens, Greece.
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is a common infection affecting the quality of life of many women. Probiotics have been investigated as possible agents for the prevention of recurrences of VVC. We reviewed the available literature. In some studies the development of VVC was associated with either a low number of lactobacilli in the vagina or with the presence of H2O2-non-producing vaginal lactobacilli, although there are a few studies not supporting these statements. In addition, in vitro studies have shown that lactobacilli can inhibit the growth of Candida albicans and/or its adherence on the vaginal epithelium. The results of some clinical trials support the effectiveness of lactobacilli, especially Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14, administered either orally or intravaginally in colonizing the vagina and/or preventing the colonization and infection of the vagina by C. albicans, while the results of a small number of clinical trials do not corroborate these findings. Nevertheless, most of the relevant clinical trials had methodological problems such as small sample size, no control group (placebo) and included women without confirmed recurrent VVC, and thus they are not reliable for drawing definitive conclusions. Thus, the available evidence for the use of probiotics for prevention of recurrent VVC is limited. However, the empirical use of probiotics may be considered in women with frequent recurrence of VVC (more than three episodes per year), especially for those who have adverse effects from or contraindications for the use of antifungal agents, since adverse effects of probiotics are very rare. In any case women should be clearly informed about the unproven usefulness of probiotics for this purpose. In conclusion, despite the promising results of some studies, further research is needed to prove the effectiveness of probiotics in preventing the recurrences of VVC and to allow their wide use for this indication.
PMID: 16790461 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
habla de tres tipos de lactobacilus que han tenido resultados prometedores, en algunos estudios administrados intravaginalmente y oralmente. pero advierte qeu los estudios estan realizados con muestras muy pequeñas, sin grupo de control, e incluyendo mujeres que no tienen candidiasis recurrente. y habla de qeu en otros estudios no se ha producido estos resultados tan prometedores.
concluyen que se pueden recomendar por si acaso, ya que carece de efectos adversos, a mujeres con candidiasis recurrente y que no puedan hacer los tratamientos convencionales, adevirtiendoles de que posiblemente sean ineficaces.
asi pues, no se ha demostrado nada. siguen sin explicarme lo de llegar del tubo digestivo a la vagina, y eso si: el uso a modo de crema me parece mucho mas razonable. asi sí pueden establecerse colonias y luchar contra los hongos.
RECUERDA: las recomendaciones del foro NO PUEDEN sustituir a la consulta con un medico (NI LO PRETENDEN)